bobbe jones

Bobbe Jones, painter: Capturing a fleeting moment is inspiring, yet my biggest challenge! Through my artwork, I attempt to capture the beauty of an allusive bird, a special occasion, or an antique vehicle with rust and patina that only time can create.

My main medium is oil on linen canvas and I use reference photos as well as direct observations. What seems to be contradictory is in reality what is required to convey my ideas; a controlled exact drawing combined with a looseness in brushing. My attempt is to create a more expressive and free moving subject using both large brushes and knives. I want to bring the feeling of the moment to my viewer.

I believe one of my collectors said it best when asked why she is drawn to my art. Midge responded, “I wouldn't mind at all telling you why I love your art. I am not a seasoned critic by any means or a great collector of art, but I know what I like and art always inspires me. In no specific order, I love your use of color. It is just so perfect! I adore your subjects! Old vehicles, steeped in history and abandoned for you to capture, dogs, roosters and cowboys. What's not to love!! The pictures are real and kind of draw me in, each one in a slightly different way.”